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[abcde] Re: Wouldn't it be nice to have more varaibles available for outputfilenames?

On Sun, Nov 11, 2001 at 12:03:57PM -0500, Stan Brown wrote:
> It seems to me that it would be nice to be able o sue more variables (for
> example GENRE) in the automatic naming of output files.
> I envison a directory layout something like this, for instance:
> Or am I the oonly one that thinks this would be useful?

The only one not currently available to you now is genre. The others are
those variables have already undergone filename munging algorithms).

The main reason for not using CDDB genres is:

1. CDDB genres are limited to the following: blues, classical, country,
data, folk, jazz, newage, reggae, rock, soundtrack, misc.

2. CDDB genres are usually inaccurate. Since CDDB entries *must* use
different genres maintain uniqueness in the database, you wind up with stuff
like (actual FreeDB server replies):

200 jazz be0af40e Offspring / Smash
200 folk 720a470b Enya / The Memory of Trees

An improvement over including CDDB genres would be to use the following

case $(expr $RANDOM % 50) in
	0) GENRE=blues ;;
	1) GENRE=classical ;;
	2) GENRE=country ;;
	3) GENRE=data ;;
	4) GENRE=folk ;;
	5) GENRE=jazz ;;
	6) GENRE=newage ;;
	7) GENRE=reggae ;;
	8) GENRE=soundtrack ;;
	9) GENRE=misc ;;
	*) GENRE=rock ;;

It really is that useless, and I don't believe it's worth having abcde
ask another question during operation to address the issue correctly.
Robert Woodcock - rcw@debian.org
double a,b=4,c;main(){for(;++a<2e6;c-=(b=-b)/a++);printf("%f\n",c);}
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