Mail Thread Index
- [abcde] Bug#127643: mungefilename: missing " character,
M.Hari Nezumi
- [abcde] Bug#127728: abcde: -C doesn't work if WAVOUTPUTDIR != $CWD,
M.Hari Nezumi
- [abcde] Bug#127731: abcde: -C doesn't preserve various artists setting,
M.Hari Nezumi
- [abcde] Bug#128966: abcde: does not handle identical tracknames,
Colm MacCárthaigh
- [abcde] abcde running on FreeBSD 4.4-Stable,
Espen Oyslebo
- [abcde] Bug#129624: abcde: retrieve CDDB info and apply it when you don't have the CD,
Matthew Arnison
- [abcde] Bug#129623: abcde: CDDB submit feature seems to have no,
Matthew Arnison
- [abcde] [patch] Improve parallelism on SMP systems,
Steve Madsen
- [abcde] 2.0.3,
Robert Woodcock
- [abcde] Jot-patch for abcde-2.0.3,
Espen Oyslebo
- [abcde] mungefilename (),
Espen Oyslebo
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